3B7, ST. BRANDON. The 3B7C team went QRT on September 25th around 0331z. The operation netted 135,500 QSOs. The QSO total makes this expedition 3rd only to D68C and 3B9C. From the latest press release, the breakdown by bands and modes are as follows:
10m - 7958 30m - 13460 Phone: 51754
12m - 8851 40m - 19906 CW: 79217
15m - 18887 80m - 13267 RTTY: 6549
17m - 21052 160m - 2922
20m - 31577
To read the complete press release with interesting comments about each band and other details, click on the news link listed below. Remember, the
3B7C Web page is available at:
http://www.3b7c.comUpdate-to-date news is at:
http://www.3b7c.com/news.htmDaily log updates are at:
http://www.3b7c.com/logsearch/search.phpQSL via G3NUG, direct (Neville Cheadle, Lower Withers Barns, Middleton on the Hill, Leominster, HR6 0HY, England) or by the Bureau (Bureau cards can be requested via the 3B7C Web page). The QSL Manager for SWLs is Bob Treacher, 93 Elibank Road, Eltham, London SE9 1QJ, ENGLAND.
Info courtesy of The Ohio/Penn DX DX Bulletin No. 826