Thursday, November 15, 2007


Participation Pins

The ARRL is again pleased to continue its PINS (Participation In November Sweepstakes) program for 2007. Anyone who completes 100 contacts on CW or Phone during Sweepstakes is eligible to purchase one of these attractive Participation Pins. Pins are based on claimed scores. Each pin includes the year and mode and has become a popular tradition in the November Sweepstakes event. Pins cost $6, including postage and handling and will be shipped after all entries have been processed and logs verified.
To order your pins, attach a note to the front of your summary sheet indicating the number of pins ordered along with your check. If you enter electronically, send a copy of your summary sheet with a note and your check attached to Sweepstakes PINS, ARRL Contest Branch, 225 Main St, Newington, CT 06111.

Clean Sweep Mugs
Commemorate working your “clean sweep” by purchasing your 2007 November Sweepstakes mug. To earn your mug, work all 80 ARRL/RAC sections during the CW or Phone November Sweepstakes. Mug awards are based on claimed scores. The price for the keepsake mug is $12 each, (including postage and handling.) If you submit electronically, send a paper copy of the first page of your Cabrillo file and indicate how many mugs you are ordering along with your check. If you log by paper, attach a note to the top of your summary sheet indicating how many mugs you are ordering and your check. All orders should be sent to Clean Sweep Mugs, ARRL Contest Branch, 225 Main Street. Newington, CT 06111. Your mug will be shipped after all entries and mug orders have been processed and verified. Supplies are limited. We only guarantee filling orders received by the Phone Submission deadline of December 19, 2007.


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