Taken from the CQ-Contest reflector, what an
awesome job by Jim W7EJ
I recently finished my project to put all of
the CN2R contest QSO audio on my website.
The audio is from my 27 CN2R contest operations (2001 -2007)..
97,000 QSOs are archived on the website.
Go to the Web Logbook:
Just enter your callsign in the 'Call/Prefix' field and
hit your enter key or click on the 'Search Log' button
If you have had any CN2R QSOs you will see
them all displayed as a row/column logbook snapshot.
Nearly all of the contest QSOs have a yellow highlighted
background in the first column.
If you click on your highlighted callsign, for one
of our QSOs, that QSO audio will play in a pop-up window.
You can select several of our QSOs to be active
at the same time for year to year signal comparison....
The audio is broken into 5 minute WAV file snippets.
Generally a few QSOs are played, prior to your QSO,
to hear how strong or weak you were.
You can navigate, with most players, to any point in the 5 minute audio
On this same Logbook web page, you can use the
dialog options to look-up the times
it might be possible to work CN2R in the next contest.
Example: You are in VE3 land and you want to work CN2R
on 160M in the next CQWW
Select the 'Prefix / Partial call' circle button
Enter VE3 in the 'Call/Prefix' field
Select 160 Meters in the 'Band' field
Click on the 'Search Log' button
A logbook snapshot will appear that shows all of
the times I have worked VE3 on 160M
You can also use the 'Sort by' field to sort any displayed log by date,
time, contest ....
Give it a try. See you on 160M in CQWW 2007
The website home page is at http://cn2r.net ,
with video, photos, contest logs....
73 Jim W7EJ, CN2R
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